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Monday, January 2, 2017

Vol 6 How to Save an Embedded Picture in an Email

The following steps can be used to save a picture that is embedded in an email that you receive with any email program, such as  GMail, Yahoo Mail or Hotmail.


1. Make sure you know the folder name that you save the picture(s) to.  This can be your “My Pictures” folder if you don’t have many pictures, or a specific titled folder in your “My Pictures” folder.  If you need a New Folder for this.
Do the following:  

Go to your “My Pictures” folder and click on “New folder” in the tool bar right above the white space.  A new folder will appear in the white space with a title “New folder” that is highlighted (blued over). 
Begin typing the title you actually want this folder to have, that is appropriate for the type of picture you want to save (e.g., “Grandchildren”), and when you have finished typing, hit “Enter”.  You will see that you have created a new folder that has the appropriate title.  You may now close the folder.

2. Go to your email program and open the email that contains the picture you wish to save.  Put the mouse pointer (it will actually change to a hand with a finger pointing) in the center of  the picture and right-click the mouse.  

A menu will come up.  One of the items in the menu will be “Save image as…”.  Left-click this line.  Then a “Save Picture” panel will come up which will have your “My Pictures” folder in it.  If you want to save it there, go to the next step.  If you have a special folder to save the picture in, find it and double-click (left) on it to open it up.

3. There is a “File Name” box under the folder(s).  It will already have a title in it which will not be the one you want.  You should replace it with a unique title that fits the subject of the picture.  Each picture in a folder must have a unique title.  To replace the existing title, just left-click on the existing tile to highlight it , and then type in the title you want.  Then left-click on the “Save” button right beside the title box.

4. Go to the “My Pictures” folder and open the folder you saved the picture to.  It should be there.

5. Continue saving each picture that you wish to save by using the same steps.  Be sure to have an appropriate folder for the picture and a unique title for each picture.  If you have several pictures with the same subject (e.g., several pictures of “Bob”), then you can put a different number after the name (e.g., Bob1, Bob2, Bob3) or a date or any other unique description.

6. After you’ve saved the pictures from an email, you can delete the email.